Activities of the Organization
A project that supports young people at risk of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism and Sexual Exploitation
Increasing the participation, aspirations, and sense of belonging of children and young people
A project that supports BME young people and their families who are facing multiple challenges in their lives.
A project that increases BME young people’s participation in sport.
This is a project that tackles and challenges racism and far-right sympathising views in young people, using an open dialogue approach.
A project that increases the understanding, confidence and resilience of young Muslims living in Sandwell.
A project that engages refugees and asylum seekers in volunteering.
A project that runs sport activities during school breaks termly, targeted at BME, Refugee & Asylum-seeker
children but open to all.
This is a project that helps marginalised young people aged 16 to 30 into sustainable employment through
peer-led support.
This is a project that engages with young people from diverse backgrounds in researching and documenting their own experiences of coming to and living in Sandwell.
This project offers a daily advice service for young refugees or asylum seekers (including unaccompanied minors, care leavers) in Sandwell.
This project uses sport to engage and empower young people to play a greater part in their community.
A project that supporta young people aged 11-25 with one to one free tuition in challenging subjects (Maths, English & Sccience).
This is a project that helps young people aged 16-21 years old get the right skills to secure employment.